In June 2018, the female firefighter received a phone call from a concerned co-worker in which she learned a sex video she had sent to her former Henderson firefighter boyfriend while they were dating was circulating around Henderson Fire Department personnel during work hours and on Henderson Fire Department property, according to the complaint.
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The female firefighter learned through her captain that the video was topic of conversation during a LVFR rookie training event on fire department property on June 4, 2018, according to the court document.
The female firefighter had an additional meeting with command staff soon after which revealed some individuals had been interviewed and disciplined but their names and the extent of discipline were not releasable.
During the same meeting, the lawsuit claims a LVFR captain told the female firefighter, "You have to realize guys are perverts and you're a hot chick and if there's a naked video, they're going to want to watch it."
After an Aug 4, 2018, incident during which the female firefighters sunroof was shot out while she was at work, she went to human resources fearing the incident was connected to the on-going revenge porn investigation.
On Sept. 10, 2018, the female firefighter learned from human resources that 14 people had been interviewed for watching the video and would be disciplined according to the degree of what they did wrong, according to documents.
Carothers is charged with one count of possession of child pornography and two counts of lewd acts on a child younger than 14, all felonies. He could face up to 10 years and eight months in prison if convicted at trial.
Carothers, who was assigned to the Cleveland National Forest and has been a federal firefighter for 16 years, is accused of riding by on a bicycle and grabbing a 12-year-old girl on two separate occasions as she and her swimwear-clad friends walked on Balboa Peninsula on May 29, according to the Orange County District Attorney's Office.
Carothers allegedly fled the scene on his bike was found by police in an alley nearby. When police arrested him, they found the defendant was allegedly in possession of a "significant amount of pornographic photos and videos'' involving children.
She became involved with firefighters at Engine 75 through an Internet chat site that caters to people looking to meet men in uniform. She soon began a telephone relationship with several firefighters in the house, which soon would veer into sexual territory.
This is the latest in a series of sex scandals Las Vegas Fire & Rescue has dealt with over the last two years. The others include, a captain being criminally charged for having sex in a firehouse with a prostitute who was younger than 14, an EMT publicly claiming she had sex in more than a dozen fire stations over the last decade and the disciplining of a group of firefighters following a cover-up over a firefighter having sex in a station.
The woman learned about the video days later, when a male firefighter told her that he overheard other employees talking about it. The ex-boyfriend told the woman he did not have the video or send it to anybody, the complaint states.
In the 18-page lawsuit, Tautges says problems started in 2017 when she was sworn in as a firefighter. Tautges says her then-boss, Timothy Saidler, said the department "was just excited to have hired a woman."
Hulett and associates completed a study involving both male and female firefighters. Of those that participated, 457 of them were female. Their results involving women in the fire service are illustrated below.
Of the 457 female firefighters interviewed, 84.7% stated they had experienced different treatment based on gender, 50.8% reported isolation and exclusion on the job, 42.9% experienced verbal harassment, 30.2% experienced sexual advances, and 6.3% experienced sexual assault.
This study only interviewed 457 women in the fire service. Imagine if every single firefighter was interviewed across the United States. According to Women in Fire, 6,200 women currently work as firefighters in the United States. Extrapolating from the study above, if 6.3% is indeed an accurate representation, then approximately 390 of your sister firefighters have experienced sexual assault while on duty.
In May 2018, an investigation began into an inappropriate relationship between Miami-Dade firefighter Kevin Kerlin and a Palm Beach County girl. Investigators discovered a series of texts exchanged between Kerlin, who was 45 at the time, and a 14-year-old girl, which referred to sexual contact between the two of them. In May 2020, Kerlin pleaded guilty to solicitation and to lewd behavior with a minor. Here, our South Florida sex crime defense lawyer explains the charges against Kerlin and the penalties for them.
DENVER -- The city of Denver has paid a former female firefighter $75,000 to settle her claims after she said she experienced repeated sexual harassment on the job, CBS station KCNC-TV reports.
"Virtually every firehouse has some amount of porn in it," said Mari Newman, who represented Denver firefighter Camilla VonBurkhardt in her legal action against the Denver Fire Department. "There is no doubt that some of the firefighters, including some of the superior officers, went out of their way to set up pornography in places where she was sure to find it."
VonBurkhardt, the daughter of two Denver law enforcement professionals, became a Denver firefighter in 2014. But she resigned less than a year later, saying she faced "psychological menacing" on a day-to-day basis because she was inexperienced and was female.
VonBurkhardt, who said she was responsible for cleaning a firehouse, wrote that "My DFD superiors also left sexually explicit and pornographic materials in the bathrooms and in my cleaning closet." Photos obtained by KCNC-TV show men's magazines under a firehouse sink and spread on the floor of a cleaning closet.
In settling with the former firefighter for $75,000, Denver Fire Chief Eric Tade denied in a legal document that the woman was treated illegally. But when KCNC-TV asked to talk to Tade and City Attorney Scott Martinez about the settlement and the accusations that led to the payout, both refused.
Austin police interviewed the woman in the video who revealed concerns about her teenage daughter's safety around Spalteholz. According to KXAN, she told police that 18 years ago, Spalteholz played a video showing sexual activity between a young girl and an adult male.
The first female firefighter in a Missouri fire department is accusing her coworkers of sexual harassment, including watching pornography at the station and showing her photos of genitalia, a lawsuit says.
Nixa Fire Protection District firefighter Dana Osborne was hired in 2017 and almost immediately was treated differently and critiqued on a different basis than her male colleagues, according to the federal lawsuit filed Thursday.
Osborne, a mother of three, graduated from the Southeastern Missouri State University Law Enforcement Academy in 2003, became a firearms and defensive tactics instructor, then left law enforcement to be a firefighter, according to a Columbia Southern University news release about a scholarship she won.
Asked what Osborne hopes for in a resolution to the lawsuit, Karr Sleper said she wants to be treated as an equal and mentioned the times her client has talked to girls as a public speaker about becoming a firefighter in a predominantly male profession.
Officials suspect the liaisons, which involved two of the men having sex with the woman firefighter while a third man kept watch, started nearly a year ago and may have continued even after department behavior came under intense scrutiny last summer. Two of the men and the woman are married.
Cherry seems up for the task. An articulate go-getter who escaped the Midwest Rust Belt by joining the Air Force and then shifting to a career as a firefighter, Cherry put himself through college and law school while rising through the ranks over the last three decades. While many peers developed their golf games on days off, Cherry toiled as an attorney.
Four fire captains or firefighters resigned or were fired. Twenty others were suspended or punished, as the investigation revealed disturbing patterns that went beyond the shenanigans at the porn star ball.
Issues still cropped up. In December, several City Council members expressed exasperation over the revelation that a battalion chief approved the use of a department ladder truck so a firefighter from nearby Stockton could propose to his girlfriend through her second-story window at Cal State Sacramento.
Prosecutors allege that on May 29, a woman called Newport Beach police to report that a man riding a bike in the Balboa Peninsula had twice grabbed her 12-year-old daughter while the girl was walking with two friends wearing swimwear. 2ff7e9595c